BPD Location

BPD Location

Perched on a hill nestled in its own natural greenery within the city...

Bukit Permata, Gombak is a 100 acres residential development in a pristine location within Kuala Lumpur. A tranquil place designed using the natural landscape and green surroundings, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Its close proximity 15 minute to downtown Kuala Lumpur and a few other major areas such as Wangsa Maju, Kepong, Rawang.

The Bukit Permata 7/1 Downhill located at the end of Jalan BP 7. The significant of the housing layout which form as an island surrounded by the green that created a beautiful ambiance to this area. The strong "sense of community" will transform the life in BPD 7/1 more cheer and joyful...


Friday, March 5, 2010

Forum Perdana Maulidur Rasul

*Mesej disampaikan oleh Kak Shidah melalui SMS*


Hari Ahad (7/3/10) pada pukul 7.30 mlm, Surau Bukit Permata akan mengadakan Forum Perdana sempena Hari Maulidur Rasul bersama Ustaz Wan Sohor Bani Leman.
Kalau ada kelapangan dan takde apa2 rancangan JOM lah kita pergi beramai-ramai yea..........

*Mesej disampaikan oleh Nur melalui SMS*

Warga BP7/1 dijemput hadir :

1. Kuliah oleh Ustaz Muzairi pada hari Jumaat 5/3/10 selepas solat Maghrib.

2. Pada hari Sabtu 6/3/10 pukul 4.00 petang - Gotong-royong menyediakan bahan-bahan untuk dimasak esok (7/3/10), solat Asar & poco-poco (untuk muslimah sahaja).

3. Pada hari Ahad 7/3/10 selepas solat Maghrib - Forum Perdana sempena Maulidur Rasul.

- Oleh yang demikian, acara memasak akan bermula seawal jam 9.00 pagi . Kehadiran puan-puan bagi menjayakan majlis ini amat dialu-alukan.

Terima kasih..

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